Property Law

  • Indian property lawyer for all legal services in the field Indian property law.
  • Legal experts for FDI in real estate in India
  • Real estate policies and laws in India.
  • Drafting and registration of all property transfer documents.
  • Arbitration and conciliation in property dispute matters.
  • Advices for all kinds of property acquisitions.
  • Due diligence services for all kinds of properties.
  • Legal services pertaining to property disputes, purchase and sale, transfer,
  • Construction, partition, evaluation, conversion, lease, license.
  • Online Indian lawyer for advising on all contingent property law matters.
Property laws in India are governed by central as well as state legislation hence the law as applicable on a property depends upon the location of the property which makes the duties of the Indian property lawyer very tough as he has to take into consideration various laws as applicable on the property in question on the basis of its location.
Advocate Amit Gaurav provide the Indian legal services in the field of Indian property laws which includes the services of Indian lawyers for sale and purchase documentation of the properties in India. All services related to the litigation in the fields of property laws in India. I also provide all the legal services by Indian property lawyer pertaining to property disputes, purchase and sale, transfer, construction, partition, evaluation, conversion, lease, license. I also provide the services of drafting and registration of all property transfer documents. My provide services pertaining to the drafting and vetting of all sorts of legal documents related to the title of the property and their verification. Such documents include the drafting of sale deed, agreement to sale, general power of attorney, special power of attorney, will, gift and other transfer documents based on the legal status of the property.

Advocate Amit Gaurav provide the services of conducting due diligence of the property by Indian property lawyer which also includes the services pertaining to the legal title search of the property to establish the soundness of the legal title of the property. Various other aspects related to the land use, FSI, FAR and statutory clearances are involved in this process besides the verification of the proper title of the property. Such information helps the intending buyers in taking a decision regarding buying a property and fixing its proper price.

I am also providing entire services related to the FDI in real estate and the legal issues related to various property projects. The issues related to land use, FSI, FAR and other compliance’s are dealt by us to advice the client about the future of the project and the level of compliance’s required in such project. The government has allowed FDI in real estate sector of India thereby making scope for the multinational companies and foreign entities to invest in the real market which has generated a lot of interest in the real estate market in India.

I am also providing Arbitration and conciliation in property dispute matters. Online legal advice desk by Indian property lawyer for all contingent property law problems and the services related to them. I am also provide the services of online lawyer for online lawyer chat to provide online legal forms, online legal documentation related to Indian property law.