Advocate AmitGaurav Criminal Lawyers in Delhi have long experience in dealing with Criminal Cases for clients. Indian Penal Code, 1860 and other Criminal Laws define various offences, for which the accused of the offence is/are tried before the competent courts of law and Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 provides the procedure for conduct of trials, investigations and inquiries. Our expert lawyer’sprovideservicesrelatedtoCriminalLaw

- Criminal Misappropriation of funds;
- Criminal Breach of Trust and criminal conspiracy;
- Dishonor of Cheque under N.I.Act.
- Forgery and mischief;
- Various economic offences punishable under SEBI, FEMA, Passport Act, Immigration Act etc.;
- Offence related to marriage viz. (a) Offence unusable under Dowry Act (b) Domestic violence Act (c) 498A, 406 IPC etc.
- Offence related to Drugs punishable under NDPS Act;
- Sexual offences;
- Offences against the state;
- Offence against the public tranquillity and public justice;
- Offence related to weights and measure, public health, safety, decency and morals;
- Offences affecting human body (viz. murder, suicide, dowry death, causing death by negligence, rape, kidnapping, unnatural sex etc;
- Offence related to property, viz. theft, robbery, extortion, cheating, breach of trust, misappropriation of properties etc.and other offences punishable under the code of Indian Penal;
- My legal services (prosecution as well as defense) to our client at every level from registration of case to its final disposing off. Itinclude various services viz.:-
- Legal Help in making registration of FIR or Criminal Complaint, under 498A, 406, Domestic Violence Act, Dowry Prohibition Act etc.
- Filing of Criminal complaint before Police station or magistrate under section 190, 200, 156(3) Of code of Criminal procedure 1973;
- Filing and arguing of anticipatory bail applications before Court of Session an High Courts;
- Filing of Regular Bail before Criminal Courts;
- Filing of Revision, Appeal, Criminal Writ, petition under sec.482 of Cr.P.C. against the acquittal / conviction. Criminal Trial before magistrate or Court of Session;
- Filing/defending complaint under section 138 of N. I. Act before magistrate.
- Filing / defending the criminal complaint under various provisions and sections of Indian Penal Code, Companies Act, Factories Act, Food Adulteration Act, passport Act, NDPS Act, and Arms Act etc.